Food and Water




30 Foods That Last 25 Years
1. Salt
2. Sugar
3. White Rice
4. Dried Beans
5. Oats
6. Honey
7. Corn Starch
8. Corn Syrup
9. Corn
10. Bouillon Cubes
11. White Vinegar
12. Apple Cider Vinegar
13. Cocoa Powder
14. Ghee
15. Instant Potatoes
16. Powdered Milk
17. Whole Grains
18. Tea
19. Instant Coffee
20. Pemmican
21. Hard Salted Meats
22. Hardtack
23. Wine
24. Liquor
25. Soy Sauce
26. Dried Spices
27. Baking Soda
28. Maple Syrup
29. Pasta
30. Freeze-Dried Food

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